
Eid al adha 16.06.2024

Demolition area

Save this mosque, please

Whoever builds a mosque intending Allah’s pleasure, Allah would build for him a similar home in Paradise.

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For the sake of Allah

Om oss

Al Rahma Islamic Center, etablert i 2010, er en fremtredende moske som ligger i Sandvika. Siden oppstarten har moskeen levert en rekke viktige tjenester til det lokale muslimske samfunnet. Her er tjenestene som tilbys av Al Rahma Islamic Center:

Daglige bønner: Moskeen sørger for levering av de fem daglige bønnene (Salah) for tilbederne. Disse bønnene utføres til bestemte tider gjennom dagen, og senteret legger til rette for menighetsbønner for menn og kvinner.

Koranisk utdanning: Al Rahma Islamic Center legger stor vekt på å lære Koranen. De tilbyr koranklasser for både barn og voksne, og gir en mulighet for fellesskapsmedlemmer til å studere resitasjon, forståelse og memorering av den hellige bok.

Begravelsesordninger: I tider med tap og sorg støtter moskeen de etterlatte familiene ved å hjelpe til med begravelsesarrangementer i henhold til islamske skikker. De gir veiledning, hjelper til med vasking og innhylling av avdøde, og sørger for begravelsesbønn og begravelse.

Bryllupsseremonier: Al Rahma Islamic Center legger til rette for islamske bryllupsseremonier, og tilbyr et hellig rom for muslimske par å utveksle løftene sine. De sørger for passende arrangementer for bryllupsseremonien, og imøtekommer behovene til bruden, brudgommen og deres familier.

Fredag Khutbah: Hver fredag gjennomfører moskeen en spesiell menighetsbønn kjent som Jumu’ah, som inkluderer en preken (khutbah) holdt av en imam. Khutbah tar opp ulike religiøse og sosiale spørsmål, og gir veiledning og inspirasjon til samfunnet.

Når det gjelder Eid-arrangementer, organiserer Al Rahma Islamic Center spesielle arrangementer og programmer under de to store muslimske festivalene:

Eid al-Fitr: Denne feiringen markerer slutten på Ramadan, den islamske fastemåneden. Moskeen holder spesielle menighetsbønner, etterfulgt av en preken og en festlig samling. Samfunnet kan engasjere seg i ulike aktiviteter, inkludert kulturelle forestillinger, veldedighetsaksjoner og felles måltider.

Eid al-Adha: Denne festivalen minnes historien om profeten Ibrahim (Abraham) og hans vilje til å ofre sin sønn. Moskeen arrangerer menighetsbønn, hvor imamen holder en preken. Medlemmer av fellesskapet kan delta i dyreofring (Qurbani) som en veldedighetshandling og dele kjøttet med de mindre heldige.

إلى من يهمه الأمر،

 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

“وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى”

نود أن نحيط حضراتكم علما بأننا كنا مستأجرين مبنى قريبا من إحدى الطرق الرئيسية اتخذناه مسجدا نظرا لحاجتنا الماسة إلى مسجد في منطقة يتواجد فيها عدد كبير من المسلمين، ولكن الأمر قدره الله تعالى اتخذت الحكومة النرويجية مؤخرا قرارا يقضي بتوسيع الطريق الذي يقع مسجدنا بالقرب منه مما يؤدي إلى هدم الكثير من المباني بما في ذلك مسجدنا .. وبناءا على هذه المعطيات فإننا أصبحنا في أمس الحاجة إلى شراء مبنى ومن ثم تحويله إلى مسجد أو شراء أرض نقيم عليها مسجدا ونسعى الى تحقيق هذه الغاية النبيلة وهذا الهدف السامي الذي سعى إليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أول ما قدم المدينة المنورة. ونتقدم بهذا الكتاب إلى حضراتكم عسى الله أن يجعلنا وإياكم ممن اختارهم فجعلهم مفاتيح للخير مغاليق للشر…) من بنى لله ييتا ولوكمفحص قطاة بنى الله له بيتا في الجنة ( أو كما قال رسول الله عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم، سائلين المولى أن يجعلنا وإياكم ممن يخدمون دينه بما ينفع عباده… كما نأمل أن يحظى كتابنا هذا بالموافقة لديكم والله في عون العبد ماكان العبد في عون أخيه.

نذكر في نهاية كتابنا بأن التكلفة الإجمالية لهذا المشروع العظيم هي ما يعادل 2,000,000 دولار أمريكي، وقد جمعنا بفضل الله تعالى وعونه من هذا المبلغ ما يعادل 400,000 دولار وتبقى من الملبغ الإجمالي 1,600,00 دولار أمريكي.

ولكم منا فائق التقدير والإحترام، مركز الرحمة الثقافي.

عنوان مسجدنا:

Anthon walles vei 36, 1337 Sandvika

مواقع المسجد على الشبكة:

حساب البنك للتبرعات:



DNB Bank ASA, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo



Demolition area

About us

Al-Rama Islamic Center, founded in 2010, is a prominent religious institution that serves the Muslim community in its locality. Committed to fostering a strong sense of faith, unity, and spirituality, the center offers a range of services and activities to cater to the diverse needs of its members.

One of the core services provided by Al-Rama Islamic Center is the organization of the five daily prayers. Recognizing the significance of regular prayer in the life of a Muslim, the center ensures that prayer facilities are readily available and accessible to worshippers throughout the day. From the Fajr (dawn) prayer to the Isha (night) prayer, the center endeavors to create a serene and welcoming atmosphere, facilitating a deep connection between individuals and their Creator.

Furthermore, the center holds a special Friday khutbah (sermon) every week. The Friday prayer holds immense importance in Islamic tradition, and Al-Rama Islamic Center endeavors to provide an engaging and enlightening experience for its congregants. Knowledgeable and skilled imams deliver sermons that address relevant religious, social, and moral issues, offering guidance and inspiration to the community members.

During the joyous occasion of Eid, Al-Rama Islamic Center plays an integral role in facilitating the celebrations for the local Muslim community. With meticulous planning and coordination, the center arranges prayer gatherings, ensuring that congregants can join together to mark the festive occasion. These gatherings foster a sense of unity and community spirit, providing an opportunity for Muslims to come together and strengthen their bonds.

Recognizing the importance of Quranic education, Al-Rama Islamic Center is dedicated to facilitating Quran learning for both children and adults. The center offers structured classes and programs that aim to teach proper recitation, understanding of the Quran’s teachings, and memorization of selected verses. Qualified teachers impart their knowledge and expertise, ensuring that individuals of all ages can develop a deep connection with the Holy Quran.

Additionally, Al-Rama Islamic Center provides support and guidance for Muslim weddings. Understanding the significance of this sacred union, the center offers services and resources to assist couples in planning and conducting their wedding ceremonies according to Islamic traditions. From pre-marital counseling to providing a suitable venue for the Nikah (marriage contract) ceremony, the center strives to make the journey towards a blessed and successful marriage a smooth and spiritually fulfilling one.

Al-Rama Islamic Center stands as a pillar of faith, knowledge, and community for Muslims in the area it serves. Through its various services, including the provision of prayer facilities, Friday sermons, Eid arrangements, Quranic education, and support for Muslim weddings, the center plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual growth and well-being of its members. It continues to foster an environment of unity, tolerance, and learning, strengthening the bonds of the local Muslim community and promoting the values of Islam.

 Urgent Call for Support: Preserve Our Mosque, Unite the Ummah

Introduction: In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. We, the Muslim community, are facing a critical situation that requires the solidarity and generosity of our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam. Our humble mosque, which has been our spiritual sanctuary for years, is now under the threat of demolition due to a government decision to expand a highway. We appeal to Muslims worldwide for support and donations to help us preserve this sacred place of worship.

Preserving Our Spiritual Home: Our mosque has been a beacon of light, bringing Muslims together in prayer, fostering unity, and providing a space for spiritual growth and community development. It has served as a sanctuary for countless souls seeking solace and guidance in their journey of faith. The loss of our mosque would be a devastating blow, leaving a void in the hearts of those who have found peace within its walls.

The Importance of Solidarity: In Islam, we are reminded of the importance of unity and supporting one another in times of need. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The believers, in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion, are like a single body. If one part of it feels pain, the rest of the body will join it in staying awake and suffering fever.”

It is through our collective efforts that we can overcome challenges and uphold the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood that Islam promotes. We turn to our global Muslim family, calling upon your compassion, generosity, and love for the sake of Allah to help us protect our mosque from being destroyed.

The Power of Donations: Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on our endeavor. Your generous donations will enable us to secure a new location, purchase a building, or acquire land to rebuild our mosque. With your support, we can continue to provide a place of worship and spiritual nourishment for Muslims in our community.

Ways to Donate: We have made it convenient for you to support our cause through various means. You can visit our website [Donation Form –] to make a secure online donation. Additionally, we have provided our bank account details [




 Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo]

for those who prefer to contribute directly.

Transparency and Accountability: We understand the importance of transparency and accountability when it comes to handling donations. Rest assured that every penny donated will be used solely for the purpose of preserving our mosque and creating a safe space for worship. We will provide regular updates to our donors, ensuring complete transparency in the progress of our project.

Spreading the Word: We kindly request your assistance in spreading awareness about our cause. Share this message with your family, friends, and communities. Encourage them to extend their support and contribute to the preservation of our sacred mosque. Together, we can make a difference and protect a place of worship that holds deep spiritual significance for countless Muslims.

Conclusion: In this time of urgency, we turn to our global Muslim family for support. By uniting our hearts and resources, we can prevent the destruction of our beloved mosque and uphold the spirit of Islam. Let us answer the call of our faith and extend our hands to those in need. Your generosity will not only preserve a physical structure but also nourish the souls of countless Muslims who seek solace and connection with Allah.

May Allah reward you abundantly for your contributions and bless you with His infinite mercy. May He unite us in our efforts and grant us success in preserving our mosque for generations to come.

Together, let us demonstrate the power of unity and generosity.

Jazakallahu Khairan.

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